Happy Columbus Day for those of you lucky enough to have the day off! For those of us working, yeah, happy Monday. Our jobs suck, huh?
If you’re catching up from the weekend, because if you live anywhere in the northeast I really hope you weren’t on the computer and rather outside enjoying the amazing weather, here’s what you missed.
- Apple & lentil stuffed acorn squash
- Pumpkin protein pancakes <—aka make these asap! Sooo good!
Week 4…I’m not gonna lie, this was a tough week for me. I just lacked motivation all around and with treats like these pumpkin chocolate chip bars in the house, I just wanted to eat dessert and sit on the couch feeding my Don Draper (loving Mad Men!) obsession.
Previous training week recaps:
Week 4’s plan:
I was actually really excited about this run. My motivation didn’t seem to tank until Tuesday. The temps were perfect (60ish) and 8 miles is the perfect, not too long, definitely not too short distance. I had a great run on the roads, incorporating some hills instead of the bike trail and finished with an 8:43 average pace and negative splits.
It was like pulling teeth to get myself to walk into the basement to do NROLFW. I really like the emphasis on the arms in stage 3, but with the extended rest intervals and the added moves, it takes a good 40-45 minutes and that’s pushing my patience level with lifting.
I just had no motivation to get on the bike to cross train! It was a gorgeous day so I leashed Ginger up and went for a short walk instead. Oh, well.
Again, no motivation here but I refuse to miss a run. Considering I’m only running 3 days a week, I just can’t afford to skimp out on the mileage so I headed outside for the tempo run around 5:30pm. It was horrendous. My splits were actually good (8:46, 8:14, 8:31, 9:02) but I just felt like c-r-a-p the entire run. Mostly my legs, they just felt sluggish and like lead. I was happy when that one was over.
Sweet, sweet glorious rest day. I <3 you.
Skipped out on the bike again! We went hiking in the afternoon and then I came home and went for another 2+ mile walk. I’m counting that as “cross training.” I know it’s not the same, whatever. No NROFLW, I just couldn’t do it. Instead, we watched a documentary on Ben & Jerry’s and then I sent Ulysses out to buy ice cream at 9:45 at night. Ice cream > weights. This is real life.
This 4 mile pace run was actually decent. I forgot to take my inhaler (which I take when I’m running intervals, or pace runs b/c when I push myself pace-wise my asthmatic lungs tend to rebel) and started to feel it around mile 2. It’s hard to push yourself when it feels like you’re breathing through a straw so this was on the “easier” side of race pace but still a good run.
It’s funny how the best day of the week was my long run day. I’m not really looking forward to today’s 9 miler. Although these temps are lovely for mid October, 80-85 degrees is not ideal long running weather!
Total Weekly Round-up:
- Run: 16 miles
- Bike: 0 miles
- Strength training sessions: 1
Let’s hope I regain some motivation on week 5!
I leave you with how we spend our Saturday nights. Ginger, our talking warthog:
Don’t mind my cackle in the background.
What was the best part of your weekend?
Any tips for regaining some motivation?
Gina Matsoukas is an AP syndicated writer. She is the founder, photographer and recipe developer of Running to the Kitchen — a food website focused on providing healthy, wholesome recipes using fresh and seasonal ingredients. Her work has been featured in numerous media outlets both digital and print, including MSN, Huffington post, Buzzfeed, Women’s Health and Food Network.
It looks like you have a sound training plan. Just be sure and rest when you are supposed to as it will go a long way. Too many people over train and then have nothing left in the tank when they need it most. Good luck!
I wouldn’t worry about any motivation sticking points at the moment. As the half marathon creeps closer you will hit panic mode and then the challenge will be sticking to your rest days instead of getting out of the door!
Ginger is hilarious! I’m still not sure how people live without dogs!
I love the video of Ginger! Too funny!
Best part of my weekend was a thanksgiving dinner for eight. Details on Wednesday ;)
BTW Gina, I saw this post today on this gorgeous blog I read regularly and I thought you’d be interested:
Can’t wait to read about your holiday!
Thank you so much for that link, what GORGEOUS photography in it! And now, I’m pining for a European food trip….
How I wish I was a good runner. But you are really talented! And motivated! :) Happy Monday!
Ginger is so funny! And so cute.
It’s hard to stay motivated sometimes. I find it better to just give into it for a few days and then the motivation comes back naturally. Our bodies are smarter than we are!
Ginger is. a. gag!!! Love her:)
The weather was spectacular here in the Midwest too.
Wow – 8 miles is far! Good for you!
I totally count hiking as cross training. I sure counted my hike this weekend.
Honestly if I just don’t feel like working out, I don’t. I eventually miss it (after a few days usually) and get back into it. I don’t want exercise to be a chore because 99% of the time I absolutely love it.