A how-to video for easy homemade pretzels.

Besides attempting (and subsequently failing) to make macarons last weekend, I scratched off another food bucket list item. Pretzels. Chewy, doughy, homemade pretzels that rival Auntie Anne’s in the mall food court.

Luckily, this new recipe attempt was way more successful than the following day’s macaron adventure would turn out to be. And impressively, (or maybe it’s more appropriate to say, disgustingly) the 8 pretzels this recipe made were completely gone within 24 hours. I’ll chalk that up to their amazingness and also the fact that I was less than 48 hours out from starting another paleo challenge at CrossFit and gorging myself on any and all carbs I could get. In fact, I somehow managed to eat 4 pretzels, risotto, 1/4 of a chocolate bundt cake, 1/2 a bag of Stacy’s chips and blueberry cobbler all within 36 hours. Impressive, no?

homemade pretzels

Just thinking about a warm cinnamon + sugar one has me salivating right now while cursing paleo and my competitiveness. Throw the word challenge in anything and you make it pretty much impossible for me to say no. Must.win.at.everything.

Anyway, I took a video of this pretzel making process (actually I took about 10 and merged them all into 1, a feat that left me way too excited about) to show you how easy the whole thing is. I have no idea why I put off making these for so long thinking they’d be some giant disaster at home. Not at all. That award goes to macarons, not pretzels.

As for the recipe, I followed Cassie’s salted pretzel rolls exactly, except I made them into pretzels instead of rolls.

Also, pretzel bacon, egg & cheese. Omg.

Founder and Writer at Running to the Kitchen | About

Gina Matsoukas is an AP syndicated writer. She is the founder, photographer and recipe developer of Running to the Kitchen — a food website focused on providing healthy, wholesome recipes using fresh and seasonal ingredients. Her work has been featured in numerous media outlets both digital and print, including MSN, Huffington post, Buzzfeed, Women’s Health and Food Network.

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  1. Your pretzels looks wonderful! No surprise that they disappeared quickly! I have never been brave enough to attempt homemade pretzels but I am printing out this recipe and attaching it to my baking bucket list. :)

  2. Love homemade pretzels. I haven’t made them in forever, but now I really need one! And with cinnamon and sugar on top – yes please!!!

  3. Too cool! Your pretzels turned out perfect! Now for a cheese sauce recipe for dipping… :D

  4. I’ve only made homemade pretzels once so far and had a BLAST doing it. How fun that you made a video too! Totally feeling motivated to have a little fun over the weekend and make them again. It’s kind of like playing with your food as a grown up, right?

  5. Glad you liked these, too, Gina! They are my favorite and they never last longer than a day or two in our house!

  6. I freaking LOVE pretzels. Homemade are the absolute best and so much fun to make too. I totally need one of those wire spoons. I have just about every utensil but that. PS you have crazy fast kneading skills ;)